
  6/20/2024 - Dragonfly Occult & Curiosities Shop - Blog

Hope your Thursday is the best day of the week so far! 😍 

Quote of the Day: “If we do not know how to take care of ourselves and to love ourselves, we cannot take care of the people we love. Loving oneself is the foundation for loving another person.”

Daily Affirmation:

Image of the Day:

Today's Learning:

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Establishing boundaries is good for you and the people around you. When you’re clear about your boundaries, people will understand your limits and know what you are and aren’t OK with, and they’ll adjust their behavior.

Healthy boundaries can also help you:
  • Boost your self-esteem
  • Decide clearly on your identity, goals, beliefs, and worldview.
  • Put your own needs and well-being first.
  • Boost your emotional and mental well-being
  • Prevent burnout
  • Grow autonomous
  • Develop a stronger sense of self
How to Set and Respect Boundaries to Enhance Your Well-Being

Providing honest, frank, and upfront feedback about your limits is the greatest way to begin establishing boundaries. Try these suggestions:

Share your ideas with others. When discussing your ideas and feelings with someone else, do so in an open and courteous manner. It's acceptable to need some time to compose yourself both before and after the talk. However, don't let it serve as a justification for keeping your feelings from them.

Never presume or guess the emotions of another person. In relationships, assuming things can lead to a great deal of miscommunication. Even if you might think you know someone so well that you could infer their thoughts, it's always preferable to ask questions instead of making assumptions.

Follow through on what you say. Establishing limits and then failing to enforce them gives the other person a justification to keep pushing them. Never cross your boundaries without giving it some serious thought. If not, you can find yourself making compromises on issues that you find unacceptable.

Take responsibility for your actions. Consider the decisions you've made in a relationship and whether they may have contributed to the issue, rather than blaming others or whining about the state of affairs or how you're feeling.

Know when it’s time to move on. You aren't accountable for your partner's emotions or communication, but you may express how you want to be treated in a relationship. Everyone is entitled to equitable and respectful treatment. You should consider ending the relationship if the other person is unable to respect your boundaries.

It can be difficult to prioritize oneself, but this is the right time to do so. Setting limits can be a useful life skill that improves and restores your relationships in the long run.

Positive News of the Day:

College Lab Makes 3D Printed Arms to Help 12-Year-old Amputee Reach Her Drumming Goals

Read more about it here ---> Click Here to Read!

Thought of the Day: Change your thoughts and you change your world.

Crystal of the Day:

Did you know?
During Ronald Reagan’s presidency, Air Force One was outfitted with jellybean holders to keep the president’s favorite snack from spilling.

Oddity of the Day:
What are Gaffs?

Gaffs in the oddity world refer to a made-up creation because they are meant to hook someone’s attention and make them wonder. An example would be a taxidermist putting together two or more animals to create a creature of the unknown fantasy. For example, a Jackalope. 

Laugh of the Day:

With love and light,

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